Tools & Guides
Technical Assistance
Implementing the Vision relies on the strong involvement of all communities along the Wasatch Front. Communities are not alone or without resources to implement the Vision. Based on the need and location of the community, local leadership and staff can rely on technical assistance through the Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC), Station Area Plan (SAP) Technical Assistance, and Technical Assistance to Governments programs.
Active Transportation Plan Standards
Active Transportation Plan Standards is a set of compiled standards that help to create a more comprehensive network of active transportation facilities in Utah.
Complete Streets
Complete Streets is a web-based platform designed to foster informed dialogue between the public and community leaders.
Envisioning Centers
Envisioning Centers is a planning and guided implementation process for smaller areas that enables a community to explore a range of scenario options and weigh the associated benefits and challenges.
Envisioning Tomorrow Plus
Envision Tomorrow Plus is a comprehensive scenario-planning tool, which allows the user to see and compare the outcomes and impacts of potential policy and development decisions in terms of multiple economic, demographic, and environmental indicators.
Form-Based Code
Form-based Code is a tool to help facilitate the establishment of a form-based code ordinance, which emphasizes physical form to regulate and guide development, as well as implement the vision for a place.
Housing and Opportunity Assessment
Housing and Opportunity Assessment is an in-depth report that provides current data, maps, and information regarding demographics, socio-economics, and housing in communities along the Wasatch Front.
Implementing Centers
Implementing Centers is a mechanism for communities to assess barriers to development of higher density and mixed-use centers, as well as develop strategies to overcome these barriers.
Utah Street Connectivity Guide
Utah Street Connectivity Guide is a comprehensive resource for improving street connectivity in communities throughout Utah.