Technical Assistance
The Wasatch Choice Vision is our communities’ vision for the future. Implementing the Vision relies on the strong involvement of all communities along the Wasatch Front. Communities are not alone or without resources to implement the Vision. Based on the need and location of the community, local leadership and staff can rely on technical support through the Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC), Station Area Plan (SAP) Technical Assistance, and Technical Assistance to Governments programs. Provided below is additional information on these programs. For needs outside of these defined areas, don’t hesitate to contact your respective Metropolitan Planning Organization (Mountainland Association of Governments or Wasatch Front Regional Council).

Station Area Plan (SAP) Technical Assistance
(benefiting all communities along the Wasatch Front)
A Station Area Plan (SAP) is intended to promote shared objectives such as housing availability and affordability, access to opportunities, sustainable environmental conditions, and transportation choices and connections. As a result of the 2022 state Legislative session, HB462 (titled Housing Affordability Amendments, a summary of which is located here) passed and was signed into law requiring a city that has a fixed-guideway public transit station (rail or BRT) to develop a Station Area Plan for that station and update its general plan and zoning to implement the Station Area Plan.
WFRC and MAG provide technical assistance to help communities complete their station area planning requirements and advance their local goals, in partnership with the Utah Transit Authority and the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity.
Applications for technical assistance are being accepted for consideration on an ongoing basis.
- Increases the availability and affordability of housing, including moderate income housing.
- Promotes sustainable environmental conditions.
- Enhances access to opportunities.
- Increases transportation choices and connections.
Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC) program
(benefiting communities in Box Elder, Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, Tooele and Weber counties)
The Transportation and Land Use Connection program is a partnership between the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), Salt Lake County, Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), and Utah Transit Authority (UTA).
The TLC program provides technical assistance to local communities to help them achieve their goals and plan for growth. The program helps communities implement changes to the built environment that reduce traffic on roads and enable more people to easily walk, bike, and use transit. This approach is consistent with the Wasatch Choice Vision and helps residents living throughout the region enjoy a high quality of life through enhanced mobility, better air quality, and improved economic opportunities. The application period for TLC follows that of other funding programs at WFRC. Letters of Intent are due September, applications are due in December. Awards for this program are made in March. The TAG program, described below, follows the same schedule and utilizes a shared application.
TLC now has an additional Ordinance Assistance opportunity to help communities assess how their local ordinances fit their planning goals. Wasatch Front Regional Council staff will work with local staff, appointed officials, and/or elected officials to understand the community’s ordinance needs and conduct the audit at no-cost to the local communities. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.
- Maximize the value of investment in public infrastructure.
- Enhance access to opportunities.
- Increase travel options to optimize mobility.
- Create communities with opportunities to live, work, and play.
Technical Assistance to Governments (TAG) program
(benefiting communities in Summit, Utah, and Wasatch counties)
Technical assistance is now available from Mountainland Association of Governments to local governments throughout Utah, Summit, and Wasatch Counties for a wide range of plans and studies that integrate transportation and land use. Competitive projects will align with the long-range regional vision, Wasatch Choice Vision, and transportation plan, TransPlan50.
- Create communities with opportunities to live, work, and play
- Maximize the value of investment in public infrastructure
- Increase travel options to optimize mobility
Technical Planning Assistance (TPA) program
(This is a statewide resource; the application for TPA is shared with TLC and TAG.)
The Technical Planning Assistance program, managed by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), provides funding support for local community plans. The program is currently funded at $1.5 million per year.
- Integrate land use and transportation planning
- Maximize the value of investment in public infrastructure
- Increase travel options to optimize mobility
- Create communities with opportunities to live, work, and play