Parking Modernization
Parking dynamics in our cities are in flux with the revolutionary changes underway in how people live, work, and get around. The “telework transformation”, Uber and Lyft, “Amazonization”, the COVID-19 bike boom, scooters, and Greenbike are some of the words we use now that were largely not around just a decade ago. To stay up with the times, communities and developers need to re-assess approaches to parking in order to better fit these new conditions. In other words, we all need to modernize our parking.
A partnership of the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), Salt Lake County, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), and the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), and communities along the Wasatch Front partnered to launch the Utah Parking Modernization Initiative (Initiative).
The Utah Parking Modernization Initiative starts with a re-assessment of parking data and strategies to help communities in Utah:
- Catch up on new trends that affect parking and mobility
- Identify ways to make parking more efficient
- Modernize their approach to managing parking consistent with their own unique goals for the future
- Think through how to address varying contexts. Each community has varying and distinct parking needs and issues. Recognizing how context affects parking is key.